Introduction To Planar Algebras

Zhengwei Liu will be giving a short course on planar algebras at Tsinghua University from June 22-July 13.

Date Topic Reference
June 22 Introduction Planar Algebras 1, Vaughan F.R. Jones
June 27 Graph Planar Algebras The Planar Algebra of a Bipartite Graph, Vaughan F.R. Jones
June 29 Embedding theorem for planar algebras The Embedding Theorem For Finite Depth Subfactor Planar Algebras, Vaughan F.R. Jones and David Penneys
July 6 ADE Classification The Classification of Subfactors of Index at Most Five, Vaughan F.R. Jones, Scott Morrison and Noah Snyder
July 11 Free Product of Planar Algebras Algebras Associated to Intermediate Subfactors, Dietmar Bisch and Vaughan F.R. Jones
July 13 Bisch-Haagerup Planar Algebras Composed Inclusion of A_3 and A_4 Subfactors, Zhengwei Liu